FISHER is arguably the most ambitious undertaking to record, and quantify the true human cost of fishing globally.
At its core, FISHER is aimed at all sectors of the global fishing industry, and actively promotes accident and safety event reporting by sector participants. Accident and related safety event information is collected, recorded and analysed and is used solely for the purpose of promoting safety across the global fishing sector.
International Collaboration
A letter of intent between the International Maritime Organization, Lloyds Register Foundation, The PEW Charitable Trusts and The FISH Safety Foundation on the development of a global accident and fatality reporting and data management system for the fisheries sector was signed in 2021. FAO and CHIRP have expressed support.
International Update
At the Committee on Fisheries (COFI) meeting (the Thirty-fifth Session, held in September 2022), under Resolution 18(j), the Committee "requested FAO .... to take a lead on the establishment of a repository for fisher safety data and accident and mortality information". See here for further information.
More Than 100,000 People Die Annually Across the Global Fishing Sector
This groundbreaking report published by the FISH Safety Foundation uncovers the true hidden cost of fishing. Illegal fishing, climate change, weak governance, poverty and reduced fish stocks all contribute to the high death rates in one of world’s most dangerous professions

FISHER Reporting in the Caribbean
Delivering real value for Fishers in Saint Lucia
FISHER was funded by the FAO to undertake two projects in the Caribbean. A capacity building of fishers through training material and development of an accident reporting system for the region.
The Worlds First Global Repository for Fishing Related Fatalities
The creation of the world's first global repository for fishing related fatalities marks a significant step forward towards improving safety at sea for the Global Fishing Industry.